Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) Read online

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  Ashley decided it was time for her to throw on her clothes and hit the highway. She was hoping that while she was getting ready that Adrian would either call her back or walk in the house. By the time she was ready to leave, there was still no word from Adrian, so Ashley grabbed a pen out of her purse and tore a piece of paper from her notepad and left Adrian a message:

  I’ve waited and worried all night for you – I hope she was worth it.

  I am not going to cry, Ashley said to herself as she grabbed her keys and headed out. She had Adrian’s spare key and almost left without locking the place up, but then decided against it. The thought crossed her mind that maybe Adrian had a good reason for what was happening, so she battled with the mean streak in herself that wanted to make Adrian suffer and feel like she had been feeling these past few hours. Ashley drove in silence the length of the drive home, carefully seeking out every car, the few she did pass this late, meeting her along the way. She wanted to make sure she wasn’t passing Adrian on the way. Before she knew it, she was pulling up in front of her home. She pulled her phone out of her purse to see if Adrian had called or texted, but he had not. By this point the sun was starting to make itself visible and rise as Ashley stayed in her seat and let her tears flow freely. She thought she had gotten to the point where she was done choosing men who broke her heart and made her feel the pain she was feeling right now, but here she was again. Ashley made herself get out the car and decided the best remedy for the next 24 hours was to go straight to her bedroom and sleep her hurt away—sleep was the only way she could get her mind off of Adrian, at least for a little while anyway.

  The doorbell awakened Ashley. She felt as if she had been sleep for days. When she picked up her phone laying on her pillow, she not only noticed the time but also the number of missed calls and text messages that had come in since she put her phone on mute. The time said it was 3:51 pm that Sunday afternoon. That meant she had slept for over 9 hours, but Ashley still felt like she could have went back to sleep. The doorbell continued ringing. She raised herself up and slowly headed toward the front of her home toward the door. She slowly and quietly leaned in to take a look through the peephole where she saw Adrian standing there with a worried look on his face alternating between knocking and ringing the doorbell. Ashley lowered herself to the floor leaning her back against the door and decided to go through her messages. There was one text message from Carrie; the other five were from Adrian, as well as the five voicemails. The text messages showed Ashley that he had eventually made it back home because they made reference to her not being there and how he read her note. In the last message he expressed how he was on his way back to town for the second time within hours and how he hoped she would pick up the phone. She read through these messages while Adrian was still trying to get inside. Ashley had given Adrian a spare key to her place as well but she had the door chained from the inside, which she figured out he must have discovered earlier before she made it to the door. That was probably why he was still trying to make his way inside, because he knew she was obviously there.

  Ashley finally decided to listen to the voicemails, with the first one appearing to take place before Adrian had made it back to his home. He was expressing how sorry he was for not calling or responding sooner; that call appeared to come in to Ashley about the time she was getting in her own bed to cry herself to sleep. The next calls appeared to have come in after he got the note because he sounded panicked in the remainder messages, expressing how he was on his way to her to explain everything and hoped she would hear him out. The very last message was left after about an hour of being outside her place trying to get inside. Although she looked worn out and the bags under her eyes showed signs of the tears she had been shedding, Ashley did not care anymore—she was ready to hear what Adrian had to say. She realized the knocking had stopped minutes ago, so she pulled herself up off of the floor to rush outside to see if she could catch Adrian before he left, if he hadn’t already. As soon as she opened the door she saw that Adrian was sitting in front of her door, now facing her—both had alarmed looks on their faces not sure what to say to one another. Ashley remembered that she was the one who deserved an explanation so she stood in place and gestured for Adrian to come inside, which he did while carefully watching Ashley.

  “So speak. I would love to hear what excuse you have about last night, or should I say this morning. Because I left your place early in the morning and you weren’t back,” Ashley said as she closed the door behind them and took a seat a few feet away from where Adrian stood in the living room.

  “Baby, yes I should have handled this better and communicated with you, but really it’s not what you think. I was not out cheating or being unfaithful to you,” Adrian explained.

  “Ok, so what happened?”

  Adrian went on to explain to Ashley that as soon as he and Lila hit the highway headed home that Lila opened up to him about the unhealthy relationship she was having with her boyfriend and how she deserved better, someone that was more together and on top of things like Adrian. He explained that the conversation seemed innocent, just an old friend opening up and being honest about her feelings and how her emotions had gotten out of control and got her to this point. Adrian went on to explain to Ashley that once he got her to her parents place, that Lila continued to talk and clear the air while they sat in his car.

  “Baby, I swear, I was sitting there ready to tell her I had to get back, but at the same time I thought we were getting to a good place where we were being adults and making things right with our friendship but then things took a sudden turn,” Adrian said.

  “What happened?” Ashley asked curious but still suspicious of the validity of his story.

  “After almost an hour of getting everything out in the open and just being a listening ear to her about her relationship, she leaned in for what I thought was an innocent hug. Then she kissed me without warning. It was then that I realized I could not trust her, and I was ready to put her out my car.

  Ashley became angrier because she had been thinking all along that Lila could not be trusted, but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her heart in an attempt to not rock the boat. “So, you did right?”

  “I didn’t get the chance to before her crazy-ass boyfriend came out of nowhere and started trying to get inside my car to get at me and Lila. He started kicking the door on her side, so I jumped out ready to kill his ass,” Adrian continued explaining.

  Ashley got a little delight and amusement out of this considering the pain she had been feeling these last few hours at the hands of Adrian, as she convinced herself. She did not try hiding it either.

  “So you got in a fight and got your car dented up because of that bitch?” Ashley snidely questioned with a smirk.

  Adrian just stood there as if evaluating the question.

  “Like I said in my note, I hope she was worth it,” Ashley continued without even giving him a chance to answer.

  “Look Ashley, I was just trying to do the right thing and I got burned in the process. I would have never put myself in that situation otherwise but I was just trying to be a good guy. And in all the excitement that took place I failed to contact you. It never crossed my mind that you might be worried. I was too busy pissed at the situation and trying to protect myself,” Adrian explained as he stood up pleading more for Ashley’s understanding of the situation. He went on to explain that before it got too crazy that the police arrived on the scene, and that exchange was what took the longest—trying to get everyone settled down and getting everyone’s stories.

  “I swear if I ever see that motherfucker on the streets…” Adrian said.

  Adrian’s outburst was interrupted by Ashley’s laughter.

  “You appear to be enjoying this a bit too much for me,” Adrian responded looking a little irritated.

  “No, don’t be like that. I’m just not used to seeing you angry like this. You making threats and all just made me laugh a little, that’s all. That’s rea
lly too bad that you got caught up in all of that,” Ashley said with a hint of a smile on her face.

  “So, with all that being said, baby, I am so sorry for upsetting you and having you wait and worry. I know it would have only taken me a few minutes to let you know what was going on; everything just happened so fast,” Adrian said as he kneeled in front of Ashley reaching for her hands. “Please forgive me.”

  Again, Ashley found it hard to stay angry with Adrian, and she sincerely knew he was trying to be a gentleman and do the right thing. She accepted his apology by leaning in to kiss his lips, which he accepted and responded to by pulling himself into her, kissing her harder while wrapping his strong arms around her waist.

  “So, is it safe to assume that you forgive me?” Adrian said with a smirk.

  “Oh, it’s going to take a little more than that sexy smile, Mr. Cruz,” Ashley responded seductively.

  “Well let me see what else I can do about that.”

  Adrian kissed Ashley’s lips as he began lifting up her nightshirt enough to expose her breasts that were hanging freely waiting for Adrian to give them some attention. Adrian grabbed her breasts, licking and sucking on her erect, hardened right nipple while palming her left breast. Ashley moaned and rubbed her fingers through Adrian’s straight, black hair while enjoying the sensation of him using his lips and tongue to please her. She imagined what else was in store since he was just getting started. As Adrian moved to the other nipple, Ashley had already gotten hot and bothered, ready for Adrian to put it on her and finish what they had started the night before.

  “Baby, eat my pussy. You got me so wet and turned the fuck on right now,” she said in between her moans.

  Adrian followed her order and started kissing a trail down her waist, to her navel, and to the top of her shorts. Ashley stood up to let Adrian have more ease in pulling them down over her shapely hips and letting them fall to the floor. Adrian grabbed her ass cheeks as he leaned his face into her crotch taking in the scent of her and rubbing his face across her fine hair that led him to the next pair of lips that he wanted to devour. Adrian then used his tongue to enter her from the front while his nose teased her clitoris, arousing her even more as Adrian’s fingers were exploring her ass and trying to accomplish filling every opening and orifice below her belly button all at once. All of this attention and pleasure was driving her crazy as she moaned in ecstasy while Adrian moaned equally louder as if it was his main desire to please his woman like he was doing.

  “Am I forgiven,” Adrian stopped long enough to look up at Ashley to ask before going back inside her to get another taste.

  “Oh hell yea, baby!” Ashley said as she grabbed Adrian’s head directing him back to her spot where Adrian continued to please her until her knees buckled. Adrian stopped and stood up to unfasten his shorts and boxers letting them fall to the floor. Ashley lay back against the cushion admiring Adrian’s erection as he lifted up her legs pulling them apart and admiring how long and shapely they were. Adrian leaned over Ashley kissing her as he pulled her into him letting his hard penis lead the way. As he moved rhythmically back and forth inside her, he leaned against her legs pushing them further above her head, Ashley screamed with pleasure.

  “Oh baby, I love your pussy!” Adrian responded in between Ashley’s moans.

  “Ah, get it, daddy. This feels so damn good!” Ashley screamed as she joined in with Adrian’s rhythm. As it continued to get good to them and Adrian got closer to climaxing, he lifted Ashley up by her ass. He lifted her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist and she was now riding him as he stood. They then both came together with Adrian collapsing on the seat with Ashley on his lap.

  “Baby, I love you. You know that right?” Adrian asked.

  “Yes, and I love you too.” Ashley responded before deeply kissing Adrian and enjoying the moment of just laying in his arms taking in the moment. Their lovemaking sessions were always pleasurable for the both of them, but something about this time was different. It seemed to be a little more intense; probably due to the drama that had unfolded earlier. Whatever the case, though, Ashley felt so silly thinking back on how she had reacted to everything hours before and had gotten herself so worked up for nothing. If she had any doubts at all before, she didn’t anymore—Adrian loved her and was in this with her for the long run.

  Chapter Three – Too Close For Comfort

  A few weeks had passed since the dramatic events that had unfolded involving Lila, but it seemed to bring Adrian and Ashley even closer. Ashley was invited over to his parents’ home for dinner and had the opportunity to meet more of Adrian’s extended family. Ashley had the chance to sit down and really talk to Adrian’s mom this time too, in which Mrs. Cruz apologized again for having brought Lila to the last gathering. Ashley wasn’t sure if Adrian had let his parents know about the events that took place later that night, but she had a feeling that she knew some details just by how persistent she was with trying to make amends and getting to know her better. Plus the drama took place at the home of Lila’s parents, who were friends with Adrian’s parents—they had to know what happened. It seemed as if Mrs. Cruz felt somewhat guilty, which Ashley assured her that she had left all of that in the past and was happy to be welcomed to their home now in an effort to move forward. Adrian was thrilled that his family seemed to take a liking to Ashley because he felt that she would definitely be a part of his future.

  One of Ashley’s cousins, Yvette, invited her to a birthday party being held at a popular lounge in their hometown, which Ashley asked Adrian if he would be able to join her in attending. Adrian had an event to work and oversee that Saturday evening, as he did many Saturdays during this time of the year, but he said that he would head straight home after work to freshen up and then hit the road to meet her at the party. Ashley was excited because Yvette was one of her favorite cousins who had not yet had the chance to meet Adrian. Ashley and Yvette were a year apart in age and were practically raised together. When Yvette had gotten married right after college and started a family, that did not give them much time to just kick it and hang out like they did before, but they made sure to make themselves available for whatever was planned for their birthdays. When Ashley told Yvette over the phone that she would be bringing her boyfriend to the party with her, Yvette responded, “This one must be special—you never bring anyone around to meet the family!” Ashley laughed with Yvette about it, but she thought back on it and realized that her cousin was not exaggerating.

  “That’s because y’all crazy!” Ashley responded causing Yvette to laugh. “Seriously, cousin, I really think you’ll like him. I think he’s the one, for real.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to meet him.”

  When Saturday came, the day flew by with Ashley using the day to clean and get her place in order for Adrian’s overnight visit. By the time she got through getting through two of her rooms, Ashley had just enough time to fix a quick snack and start getting dressed for Yvette’s party. There was going to be dinner served in a separate meeting room at the lounge starting at 7pm, then a couple hours later the partying and dancing would begin in the open section of the lounge. Ashley decided on wearing her fairly new royal blue cocktail dress that fell right above the knee with a short split in the front. Ashley felt sexy in this dress, and it was her first time wearing it since she and Adrian were together. She couldn’t wait for him to arrive to the party to see her in it—she could just imagine his reaction. Adrian was very observant when it came to Ashley; when it came to a new way she wore her hair, a new fragrance, a new outfit, or anything that complimented her, he would notice and be sure to share his appreciation or liking of it. Ashley really liked the attention that she got from Adrian, never really having experienced that before in any of her other relationships.

  When Ashley arrived to the lounge, dinner was just about to be served. She said her hellos to Yvette, her husband, and some of Yvette’s in-laws and friends that she had seen at other gatherings. Yvette had invited only
the people who she knew would come to have a good time and wouldn’t be offended by the drinking and partying she planned on doing, so many of their mutual family members were either not coming out on this Saturday night or had not yet arrived. Her mom and Carrie were already there seated at a table where they had saved a spot for Ashley. They were only planning to stay for the dinner, and then they would head to their respective homes for their own family time. Ashley was glad they were there because Yvette was busy entertaining and being a good hostess to her other guests, so she only had her to herself for moments at a time, which was understandable. Maybe by the time her mom and sister left, Adrian would be there by her side. He had already called her and said that he was at home and would be ready to hit the road in less than 15 minutes, so he should be arriving right before dinner ended.

  Once dinner started being served, more people arrived and the food was going fast. Ashley called Adrian to let him know that he might want to stop and grab dinner before coming, if he had not eaten yet. He said that he would probably stop by his mom’s house to eat since his mom cooked almost every day, especially on the weekends.

  “So do you want us to wait a little longer so you won’t be here too long by yourself?” Carrie asked as soon as Ashley ended her call.

  “No, you all don’t have to do that. I know you have plans and people waiting on you. I’ll be fine. Adrian is just going to grab something to eat and he’ll be here soon. I plan to go out to that bar and have a drink in the meantime.” Ashley responded as she scooted from her table, preparing to walk them out to their cars. They went to say their goodbyes to Yvette and then began moving out to the bar and dancing area with the majority of everyone else before heading out the door.

  “Be sure to tell Adrian hello for us, and plan on dinner after church tomorrow. Sam said that he would be cooking,” Ashley’s mom said referring to her stepdad.