Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) Read online

Page 4

  “Same here dear. You are so beautiful,” Mrs. Cruz offered after giving Ashley a warm handshake and nervous smile. “We’re so sorry we’re late. Umm, this is Lila, an old childhood friend of Adrian’s and his siblings.” As Mrs. Cruz said the words, Ashley noticed the look Mrs. Cruz gave Lila and Adrian as if she was silently expressing to them to play along. “Lila came over to visit with her parents while she was in town visiting. I thought it would be nice for everyone to see her again not realizing my son had made this a special gathering.”

  “Lila, it’s nice to meet you,” Ashley said as she decided she’d play ignorant and play along too until she got down to the bottom of this. As she suspected, Lila was thrown off by Ashley’s friendliness and there was a bit of hesitation on her part before she reached for Ashley’s hand and responded. “It’s nice to meet you too, Ashley, is it? You two do make a cute couple.”

  “Thank you,” Ashley responded as she moved close to Adrian and wrapped her arm around his waist emphasizing even more that she was with Adrian. His parents immediately joined Adrian’s siblings and the whispers began, in what Ashley suspected was a good grilling from Adrian’s siblings about bringing this girl with them. Lila walked to another end of the yard pulling out her cell phone. Mrs. Cruz immediately went over to Lila and got into what seemed to be a deep conversation. This was Ashley’s chance to get in Adrian’s ear.

  “Babe, what is going on here? Is that Lila chick someone that you used to date, and did your mother bring her here to try to get you two hooked back up again?”

  “Damn, you figured all of that out? I guess we are not good at trying to play things off huh?” Adrian responded with a nervous chuckle. “I’m so sorry baby. I can’t even express how angry I am with my mom for bringing her here. I could have sworn I told her that I had someone for her to meet. I guess I needed to be more direct about whom that someone was. I know she would not have purposely done this to cause any drama.”

  “I get the feeling that she is just as sorry for this as you are so don’t worry about it. My only concern is Ms. Lila over there. She’s been giving me the look since she stepped back here, like she’s sizing up the competition.”

  “No, it’s not like that Ashley. I admit that before you came in the picture, we might have dated off an on but nothing more than that. I don’t like a messy woman, baby, and she was about drama. You are the one I want.”

  This calmed Ashley down some as she and Adrian joined the rest of the family to converse over good food, drink and conversation. Adrian’s parents shared stories about him growing up as a kid, and appeared to be making an effort to make Ashley feel as welcome as they could after having created what could have been a very uncomfortable situation. Lila left about 20 minutes after arriving; she made some kind of arrangements to be picked up, leaving without saying a word to anyone except Mrs. Cruz, who walked her out to the front. Once Mrs. Cruz returned to the back deck, the whole family jokingly let her have it. Mrs. Cruz apologized over and over to both Ashley and Adrian, while blaming Adrian for not bringing Ashley by the house to meet them sooner. “If I would have known about you, I would have never brought Lila here like this. I’ve been thinking all this time that he hasn’t been seeing anyone.”

  Once the air had been cleared about the situation, the gathering continued until almost 9: 00 pm, with the family beginning to pack plates and prepare for their drive back home. By the time 10:00 pm came around, Adrian and Ashley had the place to themselves. Adrian stood over Ashley as she was stretched out on the chaise lounger.

  “You know, sexy, that my family really loved you tonight. I told you they would though,” Adrian softly said to her as he leaned down for a deep kiss taking in the softness of her lips against his and loving her even more at this moment after how she carried herself considering the situation.

  “I love your family too, babe. I appreciate how everyone seemed to go out their way to make me feel comfortable,” Ashley managed to add in between kisses as she reached her hand up to touch Adrian’s cheeks before pulling him in for another sensuous kiss. “But as much as I love them, I’m so glad to have you all to myself now.” Ashley led Adrian’s hands up her thighs until he took over and used his fingers to make his way past her thong into her wetness.

  “Do you see how wet you get me, baby? And this breeze feels so good,” Ashley said as she started lifting her dress up over her head while Adrian started fingering her, moving his finger in and out of her slowly. He used his other hand to grab the back of Ashley’s head bringing her mouth closer to his for a deep, passionate, tongue kiss that made the both of them hot. Ashley quickly removed her bra, releasing her big breasts and hardened nipples that became harder as the breeze on her sensitive skin hit her just right. Adrian began to move his finger in and out of her even faster causing Ashley’s moans to get louder.

  “Damn, your pussy is so wet. You making me hard, baby,” Adrian said getting excited imagining the things he wanted to do to Ashley out in this night air on this beautiful night.

  “Am I?” Ashley said as she reached for Adrian’s crotch and felt his erection through his shorts. “I see.” Ashley pulled his shorts and briefs down in one motion with both of her hands. Ashley was already overcome by the pleasure Adrian was giving her using his finger, but seeing how big and erect Adrian was inches away from her face got her even hotter and more turned on. Adrian stopped fingering Ashley, letting her ease off on the edge of the chair grabbing the back of Adrian’s thighs and taking in Adrian’s penis in her mouth like her life depended on it. Starting off slow sucking his head, Adrian let out light moans running his hand through her hair. The more of him that she took in, the louder his moans became. He grabbed her head tighter and started guiding her faster and faster going back and forth on his length. Ashley got even more turned on observing Adrian’s reaction, which caused her to lightly moan while she continued pleasing him; this made Adrian damn near lose his mind. “Ah shit, damn that feels good, baby.”

  “Baby, don’t you come yet—I want you inside of me now!” Ashley pulled back, turning herself around so her ass was rubbing up against Adrian’s erection and positioned herself with her knees on the edge of the chaise lounger. Adrian immediately entered her, which created more music with the combination of their moans of pleasure, and the rhythmic claps of Adrian’s flesh hitting Ashley’s flesh. They were so into the moment along with the combination of lovemaking sounds that they did not notice the wooden fence door to the back yard opening and the sound of high heels approaching them along the cobblestone path leading to the deck.

  “Baby, come for me—are you about to come?” Adrian moaned out to Ashley.

  “Excuse me? I hope I’m not interrupting.” A female voice interjected just as Ashley was about to announce her climax. Startled, both Adrian and Ashley turned toward the voice that was only a few feet away. Adrian knew before he had to look that Lila had returned. Lila stared at them both with a slight smirk on her face.

  “Oh hell no!” Ashley exclaimed.

  “Lila, what the hell are you doing here?” Adrian exclaimed as he quickly grabbed his shorts off the deck floor and pulled them on quicker than the speed of light.

  “No need to dress on my account—I’m actually liking the view,” Lila slurred making it obvious to Adrian and Ashley that she had been drinking.

  “Oh really? So you like the view, huh? Keep on talking and you’re going to be lying on the ground looking up trying to find the view,” Ashley said calmly while taking her time to put her dress back on. She was more irritated by her man’s ex standing here boldly interrupting them and stepping out of line more than she was embarrassed about being seen naked and in the act.

  “Yea, yea, la perra. You get your clothes back on—not sure what Adrian sees in you anyway. Look at this body,” Lila said trying to strike a pose but tumbling in her heels onto the deck.

  “What did this bitch just say?” Ashley said as she prepared to lunge toward Lila. “Talk English, bitch, since you all

  “Baby, let me handle this,” Adrian said grabbing Ashley from the back. “And Lila, you cut this shit out!”

  Lila struggled trying to get off of the floor mumbling under her breath, as Adrian walked Ashley back inside the house.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. Let me handle this with Lila. As much as I want to kick her ass out right now, plainly she is drunk off her ass. I’ve never seen her like this, and I can’t let her leave in this condition. I need to figure out how the hell she got back here anyway. Let me just go out here to see what’s up and get her situated, ok?”

  Ashley was beyond pissed but she respected what Adrian was trying to do. He was a gentleman, and in his attempt at being that he was also showing her some respect too. “Ok babe, go handle it—I’m going upstairs to get comfortable and kick back. Just let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

  “Thanks babe—I love you,” Adrian said giving Ashley a hug and a soft peck on the lips.

  “I love you too,” Ashley responded with a smile then glanced with a quick scowl toward the deck before heading in the opposite direction.

  Adrian headed back out toward the deck trying to put together what Lila was doing back there in the first place. He felt relieved that he was able to calm Ashley down and get the two women out of the same room, but as soon as he was outside on the deck again his mouth dropped open. Lila was lying naked, legs spread wide open, in exactly the same spot Ashley had just occupied before Lila made her appearance and interrupted the couple’s moment. Lila laughed seeing Adrian’s shocked look on his face as she rubbed her breasts in an effort to seduce him.

  “I figured since I interrupted your fuck session, I could at least make it up to you. This pussy is better anyway,” Lila said as her hands moved down to rubbing between her legs.

  “Lila, what the fuck are you thinking? Get your damn clothes back on before you piss me off. Seriously.” Adrian reached down for Lila’s dress and threw it over her body.

  “Come on, papi, you know you miss this pussy. How can you choose that over this?” Lila said as she grabbed for Adrian’s legs almost falling off of the chair.

  “Lila, stop this shit. Put your clothes on now! What don’t you get? You are making a fool of yourself.”

  This set Lila off as the smile fell off of her face from the embarrassment caused by Adrian’s comments. “Fuck you then, asshole. Acting like you are so much better than me. I don’t need you or your dick. It was a mistake coming back here!” As she threw her dress on the best that she could in her drunken state, she struggled to put her shoes back on and attempted to stand up before stumbling back onto the chair. Lila’s next attempt to stand up was successful but it was obvious she was in no condition to be walking off anywhere alone.

  “Lila, wait…I’m not going to let you leave like this, but you really need to stop this. We’re friends and that’s all we will be, but I do care about your well being.” Adrian said as grabbed Lila’s arm and pulled her in his arms as she began bawling.

  “Adrian, I’m sorry. I can’t believe I’m letting you see me like this.”

  “That’s ok. We go way back. I’ve seen you cry before; you were just a lot younger and smaller.” Adrian chuckled trying to lighten the mood a bit, which made Lila respond with a chuckle herself.

  “I really didn’t come back here to cause any trouble. I just had too much to drink with my friend. He wasn’t in any condition to get me back to my parents so I caught a cab back here hoping to catch a ride back with your family.”

  “Well give me five minutes. Take a seat and relax for a minute and I’ll drive you back. Let me go tell Ashley and grab my keys and then we can head out, ok?”

  “You sure it’s not a problem?” Lila asked.

  “No, not at all. I’ll be right back,” Adrian said with a smile. Once he turned his back to her and made it inside, his smile dissolved. There was so much drama that evening; he was hoping it would not get worse when he told Ashley that he offered to take Lila back to their hometown. He knew that she could not stay there though, no matter how intoxicated she was.

  Before he could even get to the stairs leading up to where Ashley was, she met him at the bottom with a look of displeasure.

  “So, y’all seemed to be getting a little close out there.”

  “Were you snooping on me?” Adrian said jokingly as he reached for Ashley’s hand but she pulled away causing Adrian’s smile to fade away. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I know she’s your friend and all but she’s drunk and I wanted to make sure you were ok. I guess you were because when I looked you had your arms full,” Ashley said with a little bit of attitude walking past Adrian to go into the kitchen.

  “Baby, she was embarrassed and feeling a little silly. I was just trying to comfort her and explain to her that although I was not happy with everything that went down, that didn’t mean she and I weren’t still friends. That’s all. She calmed down, explained why she came back here, and all is good now,” Adrian said following Ashley into the kitchen and standing by her as she sat down on one of the stools by the island. In his mind he was thanking God that Ashley had not peeked out the window any sooner than she did to see Lila lying out naked trying to offer herself to him.

  “Well what happens now. How is she getting wherever she’s going?” Ashley said looking toward the deck then back into Adrian’s eyes. Even as worked up as she had gotten, Ashley could not stay angry with Adrian for long.

  “Well she came back here because her ride back home got too drunk; she was hoping to catch my peeps to get a ride back. So I told her I’d drive her back.”

  “Oh, well let me throw something on real quick…”

  “Wait Ashley, don’t you worry about that,” Adrian interrupted. “You just sit your fine self back down and stay like you are. Relax, pour you some wine, and get the place all romantic and nice for us so we can pick up where we left off. You know how fast I drive—I’ll get her back to her parents and then get back here before you know it.”

  “You don’t want me to ride with you?” Ashley asked trying not to sound suspicious. Although she trusted Adrian, she did not necessarily trust Lila. She did not want to make a big deal of the situation though.

  “It’s not that, I just want to make sure the rest of this evening goes back to how it started—we had a great time before all of this went down with Lila’s return this evening. I promise, as soon as I get her there safe and sound I will head back. I’ll even call you and let you know I’m on the way.”

  “Ok babe. Love you, and be careful, ok?” Ashley said standing up to hug Adrian and give him a hug.

  “I will, don’t you worry.”

  Ashley grabbed her wine glass she was drinking from and took it in the other room with her. She heard Adrian go back outside and return minutes later with extra footsteps. As she heard Lila’s voice, from a distance she began to get uncomfortable about Adrian being alone with this woman. She knew that she needed to show Adrian that she trusted him. Ashley had developed major trust issues over the years as a result of being in and out of relationships with guys who lied and cheated. She had shared some of this with Adrian before, but she never revealed to him how hard the breakups had affected her. Ashley hurried back toward the front door to take a final peek at them driving off but by the time she got to the door Adrian had sped off and was well on his way to the main street. “I’m tripping, get it together!” Ashley said to herself trying to convince herself that she was worried for nothing. This was Ashley’s chance to prove that she was moving forward and leaving the baggage behind. She was going to take Adrian’s advice; by the time he returned she would be back in her birthday suit ready and waiting for him to finish what they had started earlier.

  Ashley woke up in a cold sweat and did not remember where she was for a few seconds, but then she realized the dream she had been having was actually not a dream at all. She lay in the middle of the bed observing that the sheets were still intact. She caught a chill from lying
in the nude all this time as the light flickered from the burning candles. She looked over at her empty wine glass on the nightstand and the clock next to it—the time was 4:46 am and Adrian was not back yet. Ashley had fallen asleep with that shit on her mind and thought she was having a nightmare about it; now to awake to that reality, Ashley was a wreck all over again.

  When a couple of hours had passed and she had not heard from Adrian, Ashley called him because he had not called to say he was on his way back yet. It should have only taken him a little over an hour to get there, get Lila situated and get back home so they could continue their evening together. When she could not reach him and it went to his voicemail after a few rings, Ashley left Adrian a voicemail expressing that she was getting worried because she thought she would’ve heard from him by that point. When half an hour has passed and still no phone call, Ashley left a text message; when another hour passed, Ashley was a nervous wreck and trying her hardest to give Adrian the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he got a flat tire; maybe he had a fender bender. Could he have gotten in a serious accident and possibly be hurt? Ashley’s mind considered every possibility and the more her mind was working the worst that her nerves took over.

  When it was near 2:30 am, Ashley considered calling someone from his family but she would not dare do that this late, and just after this first meeting with them. She figured they would be worried too, plus she’d have to explain why he was there in town with Lila in the first place. All she could do was wait patiently and pray, which she did, but her mind already had her beyond a peaceful state. She had roamed Adrian’s place, peeking outside at every sign of a car pulling up only to be disappointed when it wasn’t him. She finally went back upstairs and laid out on the bed. The wine had her a little buzzed and her emotions had her drained. Before she realized it she had fallen off to sleep. Now waking up to find Adrian still gone, Ashley was beyond consolable. As far as she was concerned, he better get there quick and have a very damn good excuse.