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Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) Page 9

Epilogue – The End or the Beginning?

  Ashley walked back and forth in the nursery rocking Eva in her arms trying to get her back to sleep. It was almost 10:30 am but Ashley wanted to see if she could get in another couple hours of sleep and then get up to get her house in order before Eva’s father came to visit. The past few months came and went turning Ashley’s world upside down and back around again, but she would not trade the experience for anyone else’s. Ashley had a lot of time to think it over and realize she could have handled things much better and in a more mature manner, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Her focus right now was being a good mother to Eva, and in doing that she had to have a cordial relationship with Eva’s father.

  When Ashley found out from Dr. Peterson that she was indeed pregnant with Eva, she knew what she had to do. Carrie, who had went to the appointment with Ashley, encouraged Ashley to be honest with Adrian to avoid delaying any pain in the process—Adrian was either going to be hurt by finding out Ashley slept with Eric or finding out that he was not the father of Ashley’s baby.

  “To be quite honest, Sis, I think him going on all this time thinking the baby is his then finding out it’s not will be a much worst pain that may be harder for him to forgive,” Carrie told Ashley at the time. Ashley had to agree with her younger and wiser sister about this. “I am thrilled to become an aunt though. I can’t wait to tell the kids they have a baby cousin coming!”

  With Carrie’s excitement she could not help but be a little happy with the news. It was just a shame that this dark cloud was hanging over her not knowing who impregnated her but now she needed to do something about it. It was still early in, and she planned on taking care of this situation. Ashley and Carrie went for lunch after leaving the doctor’s office to discuss how she planned on handling the situation. Ashley asked Carrie to keep the news to herself at least for a few weeks, to give her time to connect with Eric. She figured the first thing to do was start with him and hopefully be able to eliminate him out of the equation by having him take a paternity test.

  “Can you have a paternity test done this early in a pregnancy?” Carrie asked as she sipped on her lemonade.

  “You sure can—as long as the woman is at least eight weeks and I can get Eric to agree to the blood test, it can be done. I’ve done my research,” Ashley said playing with her grilled chicken salad she ordered.

  “I see! Do you think Eric will give you a hard time about doing this?”

  “No, I’m confident that he’ll agree to it without any problems and I’m praying that the results show he is not the daddy. Then Adrian won’t have to know a thing.”

  Carrie looked at her sister as if she had something on her mind. She already knew what it was because she kind of agreed with her, somewhat.

  “You think I should be honest with Adrian either way, don’t you?”

  “It’s written all over my face, huh? I just don’t trust that Eric will keep this shit to himself, you know. What if he calls himself wanting to get back at Adrian because he can’t have you—just like before—and he throws that in his face? I just don’t want Adrian to ever find out from anyone else besides you, you know? I know it’ll be hard because you don’t want to risk losing him but…I don’t know.”

  “I understand, Sis. I feel like shit even keeping any of this from him,” Ashley admitted as she reached for her sister’s hand acknowledging how much she appreciated her honesty.

  “Just know that I am here to help any way I can and I’ve got your back no matter what. Do you want me to get in touch with Eric for you so it won’t look all suspicious with you going to his place or meeting up with him?” Carrie asked.

  “Um no—I’m not getting you involved. It would look more suspicious for you, a married woman, to be around him if anyone is really looking that hard, don’t you think?” Ashley asked back.

  “I guess you have a point.” The two sisters laughed and continued to enjoy their lunch while Ashley made a mental note to give Eric a call after they were done. Damn, I hope I can remember his number, she thought.

  After saying her goodbyes to Carrie and getting back in her car, Ashley was able to figure out Eric’s phone number. When he heard her voice, it was obvious he was a little surprised but then he got a bit cocky.

  “So you ready to give a nigga some?”

  “No NIGGA! I do need to speak with you though. I was wondering if you could meet me. There’s a coffee shop that just opened up about 10 minutes away—over by the highway by the boutiques. Can you head there now?

  “You got a nigga curious—I’m on my way, shorty,” Eric said then hung up without saying anything further. Ashley headed to the coffee shop excited that things seemed to be going as planned so far. She was sure she could convince Eric to take the test and keep all of this information to himself. When she arrived to the coffee shop, she did not see Eric’s truck—at least not the last one she remembered him driving. It seemed he was always in a different vehicle every few months. Ashley decided to go inside and grab a hot chocolate and take it back out to the car and wait for him there. While she was waiting for her drink, Eric entered the coffee shop smiling at her dressed in his usual gear of a big t-shirt over sagging jeans and gym shoes. The only thing missing was the baseball cap, which Ashley thought made him look more immature than he was.

  “How ya’ doing, shorty?” Eric said before reaching for a hug that he seemed to enjoy and savor way too much.

  “I’m good, how are you?” Ashley politely asked back.

  “I’m better now that I am here with you. What’s this about?”

  “Do you want something—my treat?”

  “Not from behind that counter,” Eric whispered with a sly grin.

  “You are still a mess, I see,” Ashley said with a little smirk as she walked toward the farthest end of the shop away from other patrons. The corner she led Eric to had a nice window view facing the outside landscape and the highway. From this area of the shop, she did not have to worry about roaming eyes from the streets, or from inside unless someone came in that area specifically looking for them.

  “Yea, nothing’s changed.

  “Well, let me just cut to it, Eric. I’m pregnant and I’m not sure if the baby is yours or Adrian’s. I was hoping you’d cooperate and go with me to have a blood test done,” Ashley said before taking a sip of her hot chocolate and waiting for Eric’s response.

  “Wow…although I wasn’t for sure what this was about I wasn’t expecting this. So if the baby is mine, what do you want me to do? You want me to help pay for an abortion so your sweetheart won’t find out?” Eric responded with a grin on his face as if he had the upper hand in this situation. Ashley remained silent because it had never crossed her mind that abortion was an option—not even before Adrian found the test.

  “Yea, I heard y’all were back together. At least that’s what my girl said unless she was lying to me.”

  “No Eric, I don’t care if you know we back together—that’s no secret. The thing is that I don’t wish to have an abortion. So if the baby is yours, I just expect that you’ll step up and take care of your responsibilities.”

  “What?! Your nigga would help raise a baby that’s not his?” Eric asked in disbelief.

  “Well, I don’t know but I guess we will find out. But first, we need to find out if the baby is yours. So can we do this or not?” Ashley asked trying to change the subject off of Adrian.

  “You know I’ll do anything you want me to, for the most part. Yea, let’s do it. You want to go now?”

  “No, let me see if I need to schedule it. As a matter of fact, lets go outside to the car and let me make some calls. Maybe I can get something set up before we part ways today.”

  “Bet,” Eric added.

  Three days later, Ashley was meeting Eric at a medical center almost 30 minutes out from where they lived, almost 15 minutes away from Adrian. Ironic, considering that she chose this location to risk not running into anyone that knew her or Eric. They
both arrived on time, and were out within 45 minutes of their scheduled appointment. They were told that they would both be notified, but Ashley still made plans to contact Eric either way after getting the results, whether it was to discuss the future in how they’d raise their baby or to just thank him for being so cooperative in helping her rule him out as being the father. As they exited the center and headed toward their car, Eric gave Ashley a kiss on the cheek before adding, “I know as much as you want your boy to be the daddy, I think it would have been real cool to raise a lil’ shorty with you.”

  “Really? Why? I mean I haven’t always treated you the best, Eric. I can admit that. I always knew we were just…fuck buddies. So I guess I wonder why you would want to have a baby with me. What about your girl and how she will feel about this if the baby is yours. Have you thought about that?”

  “Yea, I have. But like I said, we’re dealing with each other but I don’t trust her. It’s not me she wants, you know what I’m saying?” Eric asked looking at Ashley in a way that made her feel sorry for him. She knew he was implying that Lila wanted Adrian, and I’m sure it did not make Eric feel good to have been interested in two women who had feelings for the same man. Ashley just nodded not knowing what to verbally say to make Eric feel any better.

  “But the thought of having a baby with you made me feel good inside. You don’t have to worry though—it’s just my luck that the baby will not be mine. Just a feeling I have.”

  “Well, whatever happens, Eric, just know I will never forget how you stepped up in all of this to help me out when you didn’t have to. I truly appreciate all of this from the bottom of my heart,” Ashley said before leaning toward him to give him a kiss on the cheek. The gesture made Eric smile. “And Eric, if you don’t trust her or believe she loves you, why stay with her?”

  “Because the pussy’s good—at least until I find another good one like you,” Eric said with a smirk before turning around to head to his truck. “Talk to you later, Ms. Dennis.”

  “Bye Eric.”

  Days later Ashley was surprised to find that Eric’s feeling was correct—the test results showed that he was not the baby’s father. As soon as she got the results, Ashley began to cry tears of joy and said “Thank you, God!” several times feeling a big weight had been lifted off of her. The first thing she did was call Carrie to tell her the news, and then they made plans to meet up at their parents home in a couple of hours just in time for dinner to announce the news of Ashley’s pregnancy.

  “Have you told Eric yet or do you think he already knows?” Carrie asked.

  “I’m sure he must know the news by now but I am going to call him anyway,” Ashley said. “And I think I’ll call Adrian and see if he can get here so we can make the announcement together to my parents. I’ve been so distant these days doing all of this behind his back, so I just want to show him I am truly happy—I really am now.”

  “Yes, that would be nice. Ok, Sis, I’ll see you in a couple of hours. I promise if I get there before you I’ll keep my lips sealed. I won’t even say anything to my own peeps!”

  “Carrie, you better not!”

  As Ashley entered her place, she noticed a voicemail alert on her phone. Someone must have called while she was talking to Carrie but the signal was not strong enough to alert her to allow her to pick up the other call. She listened to the message to discover it was Eric’s voice leaving a short and simple message: “See, didn’t I tell you? I had a feeling. I wish you, your lil’ shorty and even him the best, alright? Peace.” With that message, Ashley decided to leave it at that—that was she and Eric’s closure. Now it was time to call her real baby’s daddy to see if he could get to town in a couple of hours. Adrian immediately picked up the phone.

  “Hey baby, is everything ok?” Adrian asked already taking on the role of the concerned boyfriend and baby’s father.

  “Yes Adrian, everything is just fine, babe,” Ashley chuckled feeling more joy than she had since learning about her pregnancy. “I was calling to see if you’d be able to get here to town by 7:00 pm so we can tell my parents, together, about the baby.”

  “Now you finally decide to share the news, and I can’t even be there for it! I have a meeting here at work until 7:00 but I can still come to town and meet you at your place for a nice romantic evening together since I’m off work tomorrow. Say about 9:30 pm?”

  “That sounds wonderful. I will tell them that you wanted to be here but you had to work.”

  “Please do. And I’ll see you later tonight, ok?” Adrian asked.

  “Yes babe—I love you,” Ashley said as a tear ran down her cheek.

  “I love you too.”

  Finally Ashley was ready to let the world know about her and Adrian’s baby and there was so much to do in these next seven months. She needed to turn the spare room into a nursery, unless Adrian had other plans about their future living arrangements. There was just so much to discuss, and now she felt like she could without getting sad and moody about doing so. Ashley got on her desktop computer and started looking up ideas for nurseries and started coming up with her own ideas. Before she knew it, it was time to throw her shoes back on and head over to her parents home. By the time she arrived, Carrie and her family were there waiting. Carrie had brought a couple of desserts over for what would become a celebration once Ashley shared the news, and her parents had already started ordering out for the surprise arrival of their children and grandchildren. As soon as Ashley walked through the door, the excitement was too much for her and she immediately spilled the beans. And as soon as Ashley revealed she was pregnant, Carrie couldn’t contain herself and lied that she had just found out which is why she had brought over the treats for everyone to celebrate. Ashley’s parents were thrilled knowing they would have another grandchild to spoil. Of course with that announcement came the questions about Ashley’s future with Adrian and if marriage was in the works—something Ashley knew that she would not have been able to handle if she had revealed her news before the paternity test with Eric.

  “Who knows what’s in store, but I will definitely let you all know.”

  That evening when Ashley arrived home from her parents, she felt like turning the night into a romantic surprise for Adrian for a change. It had been a while since they had sex, with Adrian not being too confortable with the idea of getting intimate with a pregnant woman, and she not wanting to get that close and intimate being worried about whether or not the baby was his or not. Ashley made it home right at 9:30 pm, beating Adrian there. Knowing he had a key and could let himself inside if need be, Ashley rushed to the bathroom to shower quickly before putting on one of her sexy negligees she hadn’t worn for Adrian in a long time. I might as well get as much use out of these now while I can still fit them, she thought to herself. “Mama’s about to be a naughty girl,” Ashley said aloud as she gently rubbed her stomach.

  Her timing was perfect because as she headed to the living room she heard Adrian entering the front door. As soon as he stepped inside and closed the door, he stopped in his tracks as he noticed Ashley standing a few feet away staring at him seductively.

  “Wow, you look so beautiful,” Adrian said with a big smile on his face. If he had been afraid to get too close to Ashley intimately before, his body seemed to be telling another story as his penis began to noticeably rise to the occasion.

  “Thank you, baby. Why don’t you come over here and relax, papi,” Ashley ordered while running her hands through her wild mane that stood curly and big over her head. In her rush to get sexy, she had pulled her hair out of the knot she had pulled it back in but the natural way that it fell right now went along perfect with the mood she was trying to get going. Adrian walked towards Ashley after taking off his shoes, and immediately wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in for a deep passionate tongue kiss. Ashley pulled away to start undressing Adrian, first lifting up his polo shirt over his head.

  “Baby, as much as I want to do this—and believe me, I do—but I
’m worried. Will it harm the baby if we…you know?” Adrian said.

  “So now you can’t even say the words—the baby don’t know what we’re saying, let alone what we’re doing,” Ashley said with a chuckle as she continued undressing Adrian leaving him standing in front of the couch with nothing but his briefs and socks.

  “ And if you prefer, let’s start a little slow. The baby, won’t feel this at all, papi.” Ashley kneeled to the floor directly between Adrian’s legs, pulled his briefs down and opened her mouth to welcome his erect penis. She grabbed his ass cheeks as she moved in and out on him without her hands, moaning more from the reaction of his excitement.

  “Ahh yes, suck papi’s dick!” Adrian said as he grabbed her head assisting her with moving in and out on his dick even faster. It had been even longer since he had his dick sucked, and he had forgotten how much he missed Ashley’s skills. He felt himself almost coming close to climaxing but as always Ashley knew when to stop at the right time.

  “No, not yet—I want to feel you inside of me. Make me come!”

  Adrian fell back on the couch waiting for Ashley to position herself over him to ride his hard dick but first he decided he wanted to get a taste of her sweetness. As she stood up and lifted her negligee over her head to reveal her erect nipples and sexy curves, Adrian pulled her closer to him by her ass cheeks and leaned into her crotch taking in the scent of her.

  “Can I eat your pussy first?” Adrian mumbled below her.

  “Of course—please help yourself,” Ashley responded with a grin on her face.

  Adrian did not waste any time using his tongue to guide him to her opening and entering her to get a taste of her sweet wetness. With each inward motion with his tongue, Ashley pushed his head into her harder while her moans also rose in volume. “Ooh, yes baby. Damn, that feels so good! Oh, you making me come already.”

  The more she got excited, the deeper Adrian tried to go inside her. Finally he leaned back against the couch revealing how hard and ready he was for her to get on top of him. “Ride this dick, baby. Get my dick wet.”