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Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) Page 6

  “Oh yes, we are there. I never pass up a home cooked meal. Have a good night and be safe,” Ashley shouted to them as she backed away from the car allowing them to pull off. Ashley then headed back into the lounge, showing the doorman her wristband so she could get back in without being charged. There were quite a few people who had already gathered into the lounge, which was open to the public for drinks, food and dancing on Saturday nights for a reasonable cover charge. Back in her younger days this was the hangout for her on any given holiday, birthday or night out on the prowl as a single woman. Over the years the place just started attracting a younger and more immature crowd, so this was the first time in years since she had been here. It still looked the same, but Yvette’s party brought in more people in their age group to mix and mingle in with the younger crowd so it brought a more diverse feel to the place. Ashley headed straight to the bar and found an available seat where she immediately sat down and got the bartender’s attention ordering a rum and coke. When she saw Yvette heading her way she added her cousin’s favorite drink, a Long Island Ice Tea, to the order.

  “Thank you, cousin. Lord knows I don’t need another Long Island—I’ve already had one but fuck it, it’s my birthday!” Yvette said as she sat down in the seat right next to Ashley.

  “That’s right, and you have your hubby here as your designated driver so you just enjoy. Just don’t start mixing drinks and get yourself sick,” Ashley said.

  “Oh no, I’m not trying to be like your ass—remember, you would do that shit all the time. Mixing all kinds of liquors and most of the time you seemed ok. That last time we partied for your birthday, though, that was tragic!”

  “Ugh, don’t even remind me, girl. I took every free drink I was offered. I wouldn’t even be able to do that shit now, though. I don’t even want to after how sick I got that night.”

  “And you shouldn’t!” Yvette agreed with laughter. I still have those pictures of you all sloppy drunk. Having to come pull you out of the bathroom stall because you dozed off.”

  They both hollered in laughter at the memories.

  “Oh my gosh, those were the days. The things we did, huh?” Ashley said. “But we’ve come a long way. You with your family and the success you’ve had with your business. I’m so proud of you and I cherish these moments we still have. I’m really enjoying myself.”

  “Aw, thank you, cuz’! I am so proud of you, and I’m so glad to be sharing this with you too!” Yvette said as she grabbed Ashley for a big hug.

  “Ok, you know we been drinking, let’s stop before we start crying and ruining our makeup! I love you, girl”

  “And I love you back.”

  Yvette took what was left of her drink with her as she went to join James, her hubby, on the dance floor for a special request he had made to the DJ. Ashley turned her seat around to watch the lovebirds dance as she finished up her drink. As she watched them dance she thought back to when her cousin first got married. Ashley thought how she always wanted the type of relationship with someone that Yvette had with James. He treated Yvette like a queen, and Ashley remembered always thinking how she never had the luck of finding a man who treated her as such. That was until now and when Adrian walked into her life. She looked down at her phone to see the time. She figured Adrian would be there soon. As she grabbed the bartender’s attention again to order another rum and coke, she heard a familiar voice in her ear.

  “So, I see that’s still your drink.”

  When she turned around to look, she practically froze into place. Standing there in her space was Eric, her old lover who she had not seen since she left him that night swearing to never contact him again.

  “Too many places can’t go wrong with a rum and coke, so playing it safe,” Ashley finally managed to muster with a forced smile.

  “So, how have you been, sexy?” Eric leaned in kissing her on the neck before she could even stop him.

  “I’ve been good, thank you,” she said as she lightly pushed him away.

  “Oh, are you here with someone?”

  “I’m actually waiting on someone—my boyfriend.”

  “Well, he should not have left your fine ass here alone even for a minute. You still just as sexy as ever,” Eric said licking his lips while looking her up and down. “You know, I tried calling you several times after our last encounter and your number was disconnected. I missed you.”

  “Yea, I ended up having to get a new phone,” Ashley said as she turned to pay for her drink and trying her best not to face Eric.

  “Why didn’t you call and let me know your new number?”

  “Well, I met my boyfriend not too long after…our last encounter. He’s a good guy and I’m happy so I wasn’t about to mess that up.”

  “Well, don’t you remember what I said? That we’d always have this thing going on regardless of who came into the picture. You don’t think I had someone in the picture all those times we were fucking?” Eric said as he leaned in close again.

  “I’m not surprised, and that’s your choice for you and your relationship. Me, if I find someone who treats me right, he takes priority—not my fuck buddy,” Ashley said again lifting her hand up as a barrier between her and Eric. Ashley could not believe the nerve of this asshole. Well, actually she could but it made her question what made her even be involved in the first place.

  “It’s like that, huh? We can’t have one last fuck for old times sake?”

  Before Ashley could even respond, she heard another familiar voice that shook her more than the last.

  “What do you mean one last fuck?” Adrian said as he walked up on the other side of Ashley, who was now in the middle of both men who were looking like they wanted to kill each other.

  “Hey baby, you’re here?” Ashley said nervously as she wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug.

  “Baby?! This is your nigga? I almost kicked his ass not too long ago. You know your dude is fucking my lady, right?” Eric said.

  “What?” Ashley responded trying to figure out what was happening.

  “Ashley, you know this motherfucker? This is Lila’s dude—the one I got into that shit with that night!” Adrian said angrily.

  “Actually, nigga, I was fucking Ashley before your punk ass came into the picture. So you know what, we are even I guess. Well not exactly because you’ve been with my lady. I was just trying to get one in with Ashley again so that’ll make us even!”

  “Eric, shut the fuck up!” Ashley shouted.

  “I’m about to fuck you up!” Adrian shouted as he reached for Eric almost knocking Ashley off of her barstool. Ashley tried to reach for Adrian and hold him down, which gave Eric the opportunity to get in a jab on Adrian. The move, along with the weight of Ashley hanging on him, made them both fall over on the bar. Everything was happening so fast as Ashley noticed one of the guards standing over them trying to break Adrian and Eric up, and then she noticed Yvette and James were right by her side helping her up.

  “Ashley, what’s going on?” Yvette yelled in all the chaos.

  “Girl, this is Adrian—come to find out that this is a small fucking world! I’ll explain later but let me get him out of here. I’m so sorry, girl, about all of this!” Ashley said as followed the guards that were trying to move Adrian and Eric out of the lounge.

  “Are you going to be ok? James, go out there with her to make sure everything is safe!” Yvette screamed as Ashley went through the exit.

  When Ashley got outside, the guard was still trying to hold Adrian back as he tried to get to Eric. Adrian had a cut above his eye, which made Ashley feel horrible for getting in the way trying to calm him down.

  “Baby, please calm down!” Ashley screamed as she stood between him and the guard. Eric, who was a few feet way, had calmed down and was now smirking and trying to egg Adrian on. It got worse when Eric moved up closer behind Ashley and started gesturing and grinding behind her without Ashley’s knowledge. All she knew was that Adrian lunged past the guard and pushed Ashle
y out the way before tackling Eric. James was the one who pulled them apart and stopped the fight, but before he got things under control Adrian had gotten in at least a few hits which would most likely leave Eric with a black eye and some sore ribs that next day.

  “This shit has got to stop!” James shouted which seemed to shut everyone up that was within distance. Ashley jumped up and ran over to Adrian grabbing his hand to comfort him, but he snatched it away in anger. Eric still lay on the ground with the guards trying to assist him and make sure he was ok. By this point, people who had been trying to get inside the place were enjoying the show outside. With Jame’s outburst they started lining back up to get inside. As Adrian stormed off heading to his car, Ashley ran up to James.

  “Cuz, please accept my apology about all of this. I’ll have to explain everything later. Tell Yvette that I love her, and that everything is fine. Again, I’m so sorry. Thank you,” she said giving James a quick hug and dashing off after Adrian.

  When she made it around to his car, he was about to pull off before she got in the way of his path.

  “Ashley, move! I could have hit you.”

  “Baby, wait. I can’t let you drive—how’s your eye? How’s your hand?

  “Thanks to you I may be bruised. Why did you get in the way, Ashley? I needed to handle that fool. And you really was fucking that nigga?” Adrian asked in disbelief waiting for her to respond.

  “Baby, we do need to talk about this but not right here. That was in the past. Let me drive us home and we’ll talk about everything once we get there,” Ashley begged.

  “Ashley, I need some time to calm down and clear my head. I wasn’t expecting all of this and I totally lost my shit. We’ll talk but not tonight. I’m fine driving…”

  “But baby, where will you go? I know you’re not going to your parents’ house like that?”

  “No, no, I’m not going there—I don’t want my family seeing me like this. I’ll be fine going home. Just let me go now before I get out this car like I want to and kick his ass some more,” Adrian said without looking at Ashley.

  “Ok baby, let me let you go. Please be careful, take your time and let me know when you get home, ok?” Ashley asked as she backed away from the car. The only response Ashley got was the sound of Adrian’s tires speeding off against the gravel of the parking lot, leaving behind so much smoke and dust that his car was gone once it cleared. Ashley tried to hold it together while she walked back to her car. There were a few people still outside from the all the ruckus that had just taken place, so she felt a little embarrassed. It then crossed her mind that with this small town and how everyone knows everyone, almost, what if it got back to her job all of the mess that she had gotten herself into. Fuck it, she thought; this is not what had her worried right now. She was concerned about Adrian and his wellbeing—it was obvious he had been rocked to the core upon learning of her and Eric’s past the way that he did. As soon as she pulled out of the parking lot headed home, Ashley began to cry. She was praying that this was not the end of her and Adrian, again, because of something from her past coming back to haunt her.

  When Ashley pulled up to her house, it was then that she realized she was being followed when the car that had been behind her for the past 10 minutes pulled up alongside of her. She didn’t recognize the black SUV, so she stayed inside her locked car with the engine running. When the driver got out and came around the front of her car she saw it was Eric, and she turned off her car ready to get out and finish the job Adrian had started.

  “You have some nerve following me home after all this shit you caused. Nigga, you need to leave now before I kick your ass!” Ashley shouted as she headed toward her front door.

  “Ashley, wait…I need you to go with me. You have to…” Eric said.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!” Ashley interrupted. “I already told you this thing with us…”

  “Yo, you need to hear me out. Your dude who stormed in the club ready to jump me is now over at my girl’s place now as we speak. Now tell me why that is—shouldn’t he be here tending to you and your needs, trying to make things right with you?”

  Eric’s words stopped Ashley in her tracks. Adrian had said he was going home so why would he be at Lila’s parents house?

  “Eric, how do you know Adrian is there if you’re here after following me from the club?” Ashley turned to confront Eric on his claim.

  “Because I called her as soon as I got to my car to tell her about what that nigga pulled. She’s been giving me such shit about what happened before and my reaction. I wanted to tell her how he showed his ass since the asshole can’t seem to do any wrong in her eyes. Well, while I was on the phone with her about to tell her what happened, I heard her doorbell. Of course I stayed on the phone to see who was coming over that late besides me, and that’s when I heard the fucker’s voice announcing it was him at the door,” Eric said looking Ashley directly in the eyes.

  Ashley stood speechless for a moment, but then she realized she needed to go see for herself. She headed back to her car with Eric running to try to get in on the passenger side. She immediately pulled off not wanting to be bothered with Eric but then she remembered that she didn’t know where Lila and her parents lived, so she quickly halted on her brakes.

  “I’m following you, so hurry up!” she shouted out her window.

  “He stood tor a quick moment staring back at Ashley ready to question her about why they couldn’t ride together, but then he realized he needed to hurry up and get her to Lila’s while Adrian was still there. As he jumped in the car and prepared to drive to Lila’s the only thing in his head was getting back at Adrian and hurting him some more. Bringing him face-to-face with Ashley at Lila’s place would do just the trick. Ashley followed Eric as he hurried to a neighborhood that Ashley was actually quite familiar with. She had church family that stayed right around the corner, as a matter of fact, and she used to hang out in this neighborhood during her teen years. Eric pulled over directing Ashley to pull up beside him and let her window down but as soon as she did that she saw Adrian’s car in front of a house on the corner of the next block.

  “You see your dude’s car there, I take it. I told you something was going on!”

  “Let me handle this!” Ashley said as she drove off and pulled up right beside Adrian’s car parking right in the middle of the street. At this moment Ashley could not care less what attention she was bringing to herself. All she could think of was how embarrassed she was for her man to be here at this bitch’s house after telling her that he couldn’t speak to her and needed to cool off. He had lied and said he was going home, but he ends up here? Ashley went to the trunk of her car, pulled out the tire iron, and began slamming the iron on the opposite side of the car where it was originally damaged from the fight with Eric. Ashley never reached the front door because the noise attracted Adrian’s attention and made him run outside with Lila following him.

  “Ashley, what are you doing?” Adrian shouted at the top of his lungs.

  “I should be asking you what the fuck are you doing, bastard. You tell me that you’re too mad to talk to me and you need some space so you’re going home. But where do I find you? Here at this bitch’s house—why?!” Ashley stopped long enough to face Adrian waiting for a response.

  Adrian stood speechless trying to figure out what to address first: How to answer Ashley’s question? How did all of this look to her? How did she know where Lila and her parents lived? Did she really just take a tire iron to his car? Could this night get any fucking worse?

  “Adrian, what the fuck are you doing here?!” Ashley shouted in frustration at his silence. “You know what, fuck you and fuck that bitch! Here I am worried about you and hoping you made it home safe and wasn’t holding my past against me, because that’s all Eric was to me. But come to find out you holding on to your past and allowing her to fuck up what we got. So you stay your ass here—I don’t want to talk to you; I need my space, asshole!”

Ashley prepared to storm off she noticed Lila with a small smirk on her face, which made Ashley lose it. She threw the tire iron with all her might toward Lila, luckily missing her but instead crashing it into the window of the front door. Lila lay on the ground from trying to avoid the tire iron, evidently shaken.

  “Smirk about that, bitch—I’m not the one to fuck with!” Ashley said as she stormed to her car and hauled off heading home. It crossed her mind that the cops might be on their way and that she may even be in jail before sunrise, but she really didn’t care right now. She felt somewhat free after letting out her hurt and anger, but it was when she pulled up to her place 15 minutes later that she realized that her relationship was over with Adrian. She was back to the single life that seemed to always chase after her and her happiness whenever she was coupled up with someone. She headed to her front door, and as soon as she stepped inside and kicked off her shoes her doorbell rang. She slowly looked through her peephole; she unlocked the door and opened it letting Eric inside. Without either of them saying a word, Eric followed Ashley to the bedroom as she started pulling off her cocktail dress—a dress that she planned to never wear again after this horrible night.

  Ashley woke up Sunday morning in a panic. She was hoping everything had been a dream, but she realized that it had not been. That was evident when she looked over and saw Eric laying next to her in the bed naked.

  “What the fuck have I done?” she said aloud not caring if he heard her or not. Even if things were over with her and Adrian, she wasn’t trying to get caught back up with Eric, especially now knowing he, too, was fucking around with Lila. As she sat there longer staring at him, she thought back to last night and how everything evolved from the moment she let Eric into her home. Damn, now this fucker knows where I live, she thought to herself as she shook her head, angry at herself for letting her guard down with him. It was her own fault though because of her need to have someone—anyone—there with her last night. She started undressing in an attempt to seduce Eric on the spot, leading him to her bedroom. As soon as they made it to her room Eric grabbed her from the back with his hands grabbing her breasts still covered in her black lace bra. He started kissing her on the neck using one of his hands to push her face to the side so he could forcefully stick his tongue in her mouth. That reminded Ashley of how much of a sloppy kisser he had always been. Still, things remained the same after all this time, but everything else he was skilled at did make up for that. Eric stopped kissing her long enough to unfasten her bra from the back and then pull her straps down until the bra fell to the floor. He again grabbed her breasts and went back to kissing her as he played with her breasts until he could feel her nipples hardening under his fingers. As he continued kissing her, Eric took one of his hands down into the front of her black lace panties, forcing his finger into her. Although it was more forceful and rough than Ashley had remembered from their past encounters, she was turned on.